Love Doesn’t Hurt Anyone

Are we living in a world where love is less accepted than violence? It was an honour to be a part of a project with such a powerful message about our societal contradictions towards 'normality'. From an audio perspective we put a lot of attention into creating a strong contrast between the chaos and gore of the action scenes and the normality and realism of the end scene.

Concept/Director/DOP: Dennis Lubbers
Gaffer: Frank Berger
Light ass.: Danny Schouten
Light ass.: Emiel van Geenen
Light ass.: Ton Cox
Make-up: Marjolein Stehmann
Art-director: Dana Horeman
Ass. art department: Benoit de Mulder
Producer/stylist: Ann-Kathrin Fröhling
Productie Assistent: Piet Kroes
Edit Consultant: Daan Wijdeveld
Visual effects: Studio WhooHoo!
Sound and Music: The Soundery
Woman: Amelie Onzon
Bad Guy: Robbert Bleij
Commando: Denzel Goudmijn
Person kissing: Harry French
Person kissing: Jesus Beato
Commando's: Brian Balsma, Eric van der Wal, Dani Libosan, Claudia Zwiers, Ruben Houkes